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ACT Student Reporting

Student reports are one way ACT public schools inform parents about their children’s learning. Reports are provided to parents at the end of Semesters 1 and 2 of each school year. Parents are encouraged to meet with their children’s teacher/s to discuss the report and possible strategies for supporting further learning. Schools provide a range of other opportunities for parents to be informed about their children’s learning through parent-teacher interviews, three-way interviews, learning journeys, exhibitions, performances and portfolios.


Parents receive reports about how their children in preschool are progressing towards the five Learning Outcomes from the Early Years Learning Framework.

Towards Foundation Level Victorian Curriculum

The Towards Foundation Level Victorian Curriculum is used to provide students unable to access the Australian Curriculum with curriculum content and standards that enable them to move toward the learning described at Foundation (Kindergarten) level in the Australian Curriculum. The levels A to D focuses on progressing students from a pre-intentional to intentional engagement in learning. They support students to develop their independence as they explore, participate and engage in the world around them. As students’ progress from level A to D, the amount of support decreases as they proceed toward becoming independent learners.

The A to D levels are not linked to specific age or year level, rather the learning descriptions are structured as follows:

  • Level A: Beginning to Explore
  • Level B: Active Exploration
  • Level C: Intentional Exploration
  • Level D: Building Independence.

Kindergarten to Year 10

Teachers of students in Kindergarten to Year 10 report on how a student is progressing against achievement standards for each learning area or subject in the Australian Curriculum. The Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards describe the knowledge, skills and understandings a student is expected to learn in each subject for their year level.

The end-of-semester reports for students in Years 1 to 10 provide parents with an assessment of their children’s achievement against the Achievement Standards in the Australian Curriculum for each subject studied. Grades from A to E are used to report on student progress against the standards.

When a student receives a ‘C’ grade, it means they have demonstrated the quality of learning described in the Achievement Standard, based on the content studied in the reporting period. If a student receives a ‘C’ in both semester 1 and 2 reports, it indicates that the student has made progress, and learned new knowledge and skills based on the new and more challenging material studied.

A student’s report will list a grade for each subject studied.

The following A-E descriptors will appear on the report:

  • A demonstrating outstanding achievement of the standard
  • B demonstrating a high achievement of the standard
  • C demonstrating achievement of the standard
  • D demonstrating partial achievement of the standard
  • E demonstrating limited achievement of the standard.

A descriptive scale is used to report on a Kindergarten student’s achievement against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards for each subject rather than a grade from A to E.

Teachers also write comments on the reports to provide additional information about a student’s strengths and indicate areas for development and strategies for improvement.

New System Wide Reporting Templates

A new report format for students in Kindergarten to Year 10 is under development. This new report will be used by all ACT public schools as part of a new system for reporting on student achievement. A further update on the new reports and how to understand them will be provided as the new system is rolled out.